Hikers Talk About When Things Got Rough
These hikers like the protection of Hennessy Hammocks.
Tom in a Tornado
“Pop Tart”
Jason Ramos
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Hikers Talk — About Comfort — About Design — About Versatility — About Bad Backs — About Storm Protection — About When Things Got Rough

When Things Got Rough
Just about every hiker has a story or two that they can tell — a story about the night they got caught in a storm or made a wrong turn on the trail and ended up lost for the better part of a day. Even for the most seasoned hikers, there are some things that you just can’t predict which often depend on how prepared you are before you start your journey.
Much of the appeal of heading out into nature is the anticipation of experiencing new and wonderful things. Seeing a bull moose at dusk, finding an uncharted waterfall, or just going where you’ve never gone before are a few examples of how a simple hike through nature can turn into some of life’s most memorable moments.
On the other hand, you try to plan and be prepared for anything. Going to places you’ve never been and see things you’ve never seen doesn’t always go as planned, in fact almost never — the weather changes to heavy rain, you have to hike farther than you thought, or you have spreained your ankle and the mosqutos are out for blood. In situations like these, it’s good to know that there is one piece of great survival gear that will get you through just about anything. Hennessy camping hammocks are the chosen shelter for thousands of hikers, explorers, soldiers, and adventurers. Learn what makes them unique and why so many people rely on them for protection in our "Hikers Talk" page.

Hazards of the Outdoors
Hiking, biking, kayaking, as well as hunting, fishing, and other types of outdoor activities can offer some of the best and most enjoyable experiences in life. That is, as long as it’s warm, but not too hot, there’s a breeze, but it’s not too windy, and you’re not bothered by bugs. Unfortunately, these ideal conditions rarely happen, and even the best-laid plans will always come with a few surprises. When you’re venturing outside and won’t have access to all of the comforts of home, it’s important to plan for the unexpected.
Here are some situations that can quickly turn dangerous if you aren’t ready for them and why a Hennessy Hammock is your best ally in these situations.
There’s an old saying "The weather makes the last plans" and the weatherman can be wrong half the time. Fortunately, with a Hennessy camping hammock in your pack, you can be prepared for just about anything. Rain is one of the most common weather phenomena and one that you should always plan for unless you’re going to be in the deserts of Africa or the Middle East. Rain is usually seen as just a big nuisance as it can make you wet and the trails muddy and slippery. However, it can also be downright dangerous without the right gear.
Depending on where you’re hiking, rain can contribute to slick trails and flash floods, and, if you’re not dressed properly, hypothermia. When you’re in these conditions, camping in a tent on the ground can be miserable. Prolonged rain or heavy downpours could flood your campsite from heavy runoff or a cresting riverbank.
Hennessy Hammock: Best Protection From the Rain

With a Hennessy Hammock, you can rest easy knowing that you’re safely above the roots, rocks and puddles on the ground. Forget the mornings waking up soaked in a tent dripping with condensation which can turn into a sauna when the sun comes out. Each Hennessy Hammock comes with a waterproof rainfly designed specifically to fit the size and shape of the hammock model you choose. Our rain flies are either made of 2500mm polyurethane-coated polyester ripstop or silicone impregnated nylon ripstop, both types offering superior protection from all types of rain. Set up properly, you can be assured that you’ll stay dry the whole night through. We have reports of hkers surviving once in a hundred year storms and coming out bone dry after three days.
For those spending time in areas prone to frequent or prolonged rain (such as a jungle) or those just wanting extra room to relax outside of their hammock, you might want to consider getting one of our extra-large Hex rain flies. These are great for extending your protected space so you can sit comfortably in a chair, eat your dinner, or invite a few friends over with ample protection for everyone.
Hennessy Hammock: Excellent Protection From the Wind

The wind is another natural phenomenon that can make camping difficult. If your shelter is something that should be staked to the ground, you always run the risk of it being carried away. You never want to camp through a tornado or hurricane if you don’t have to, but even a moderate breeze can take a toll on a tent and put you at risk of having your shelter blown away. With a Hennessy Hammock, you can secure your sleeping quarters using our eco-friendly webbing straps that safely “hug” the trees without damaging them. Each of our hammocks comes with a free pair of webbing straps and you can upgrade to longer ones when you customize any hammock from our website. Check out the details on our webbing straps to find the right ones for you.
We've heard stories of tent campers who didn't stake their tent to the ground and found that it wasn't where they left it when they got back from their walk. We also heard of a couple camping in Fiordland, New Zealand in a romantic spot to watch the sunset near the edge of a cliff. Tragically, the occupants died when powerful winds blew the tent off the cliff and into the ocean. Hammocks ensure your shelter will still be where you put it, even in windy conditions. But, how does the Hennessy protect you from the wind when you’re inside? Hennessy Hammocks feature a high-density material on the bottom paired with a tightly woven mesh on the top designed to deflect the wind and provide a calm space inside with good ventilation. It is a pleasant surprise when when you are lyng in your hammock and you realize that the mosquito mesh knocks down the wind by about 90% This allows you to be able to rest comfortably in some of the most blustery of conditions. Just listen to what happened when Tom Hennessy got picked up in a tornado.
Being one with nature and spotting unusual or exotic creatures is part of the appeal of existing in the outdoors. However, not all critters are equally welcome. Flying insects such as mosquitoes can, at a minimum, be a nuisance. In certain parts of the world, however, they can spread dangerous diseases. Leaving yourself susceptible to everything that flies, crawls, or slithers in the night should be avoided. Fortunately, there’s a proven way to keep yourself protected while you get some sleep.
Hennessy Hammock: Best Protection From Insects

Shelters are designed to keep you protected from the things that could do you harm. Unfortunately, not all shelters are created equal. Those that require you to open a large door to enter can provide easy access to the insects following close behind you. Camping hammocks are another popular option for those wishing for an easier, more comfortable alternative to tent camping. Keep in mind, however, that many camping hammocks leave you exposed with only a tarp above to protect you from rain.
At Hennessy Hammock, we made it our mission to create the perfect hammock — one that will be equally effective whether you’re going on a jungle expedition, hiking across the country, or camping out in the backyard. That’s why some of our most important features include our patented “snap tight” zipperless closure on the "Classic "models and bug-proof mesh. Together, these features allow you to quickly get into your hammock and stay protected once you’re inside. The no-see-um netting allows for comfortable ventilation while still keeping even the smallest flying pests outside.

Hennessy Hammock Vs. Outdoor Hazards
Hennessy Hammock has been engineered to offer superior protection from the elements. But don’t just take our word for it — our camping hammocks have been tested in some of the most extreme conditions, and some of the most remote areas of the world. If you’re still undecided about trying a Hennessy, just read the stories from some of the people who have relied on them to stay safe in even the most critical conditions, including these disaster relief workers and this medical expedition team that spent a month traveling in the jungle of Borneo. You can also read how Hennessy Hammocks have made a difference in these letters from soldiers.

In Difficult Situations, It’s the Little Things That Make All the Difference
When your home is outdoors (even if just for a night or two), there are plenty of unexpected things that can happen and many potential causes for discomfort. When things get rough, (and at some point they’re bound to), it’s usually the little things that can make all the difference. Being able to get a good night’s sleep, not having to carry extra weight, and having a shelter that’s easy to put up and take down are all “little things” that can mean a lot when you’re on the move and far from home.
For over 20 years, Hennessy Hammocks have been the camping hammock of choice for hikers, adventurists, explorers, and soldiers alike. Designed to be the ultimate shelter with regard to comfort, durability, versatility, and protection, it’s the one item you’ll be happy to have when things get rough. Visit our shopping page to order one today.